Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Thank you!

So I realize many of you might not know what we are actually doing with the kids during the days here... Originally Ryan and were both going to try to work and have the kids here on our own. By "on our own" I mean that we had this crazy idea that Ryan and Miles would stay in Seattle for the first two weeks, so Ellis and I would work here. Then they would fly out here for two weeks. Ryan would watch the kids. Then Ryan's mom and my mom would both watch the kids for a few weeks, then I would fly home with both of them. It was complicated, put a lot of stress on Ryan, myself and both of our moms.

However, we were so fortunate to receive enough money from my grandfather (with the help of one of my aunts) to budget for an au pair to come out with us. Stress lifted. These extra funds could not have come at a better time! So, we found a fantastic nanny (Kelsey) to travel with us. It is beyond a relief! I don't know how we would have managed without her. So I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who made this possible for us: my grandfather for being so generous, my aunt Krissy for dealing with a bunch of bs, my cousin Kenna who was willing to watch the dogs/cat and house for a few weeks, my mom and Ryan's mom (who both were beyond generous in volunteering their time to watch the kids over here before we were able to budget for a nanny). And to the rest of our family who have always been amazingly supportive of us and my schoolwork (Grandma, Kalimar and Krysta to name a few). Without all of your help we could not have made this trip a reality. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we are beyond grateful.

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